Real Estate—Bargain Sale

A donor who wants to recover a portion of the value of the property that he or she wishes to contribute to UT Dallas may consider entering into a bargain-sale transaction. In effect, a bargain sale is a sale of property to charity for less than its fair-market value. The bargain-sale price must be any amount mutually acceptable to the charity and the donor.

Example: Jonathan, 78, owns a vacation home he no longer uses. He bought the home for $40,000 some years ago, and it is now worth $120,000. He offers to sell it to UT Dallas for $40,000. As a result, he receives $40,000 from UT Dallas and can deduct the contributed portion of $80,000 for income-tax purposes. Jonathan must also report a capital gain of $26,667. (The reportable capital gain is calculated by dividing the sale price of $40,000 by the fair-market value of the property—$120,000—and multiplying the result by the gain—$80,000.)

Contact Us

Michael Gute
Director, Gift Planning


The University of Texas at Dallas
Office of Development and Alumni Relations
800 W. Campbell Road, SPN 10
Richardson, TX 75080
Federal Tax ID Number: 75-1305566


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